Scientific papers dedicated to conservation culturomics
The presented list does not represent an endorsement of the papers or their content
- Adams, V.M., 2024. Social media data for biodiversity conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
- Anagnostou, M., Doberstein, B., 2024. Exotic pet trade in Canada: The influence of social media on public sentiment and behaviour. Journal for Nature Conservation 77, 126522.
- Chowdhury, S., Ahmed, S., Alam, S., Callaghan, C.T., Das, P., Di Marco, M., Di Minin, E., Jarić, I., Labi, M.M., Rokonuzzaman, M., Roll, U., Sbragaglia, V., Siddika, A., Bonn, A., 2024 A protocol for harvesting biodiversity data from Facebook. Conservation Biology, e14257.
- Correia, R.A., 2024. gtrendsAPI: An R wrapper for the Google Trends API. Software Impacts 20, 100634.
- da Silva, A.F., Barão, K.R., Trends in the Brazilians' engagement with insects on the internet. Insect Conservation and Diversity.
- Henke, T., Novoa, A., Bárðarson, H., Ólafsdóttir, G.Á., 2024. Let’s talk aliens - Stakeholder perceptions of an alien species differ in time and space. NeoBiota 93, 117-141.
- Holmes, B., Ziermann, J.M., Strzelecki, A., Springer, S., Zieger, M., 2024. Who notices Gymnophiona? Google Trends data reveal interesting trends for recent amphibian species. Ecological Complexity 58, 101080.
- Jarić, I., Crowley, S.L., Veríssimo, D., Jeschke, J.M., 2024. Flagship events and biodiversity conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 39, 106-108.
- Kim, H., Armsworth, P.R., Masuda, Y.J., Chang, C.H., 2024. US-based and international environmental nongovernmental organizations use social media, but few have large audiences online. Conservation Science and Practice, e13037.
- Komossa, F., Kong, I., Purves, R.S., 2024. What’s in the news? A multiscalar text analysis approach to exploring news media discourses for managing protected areas in Switzerland. Landscape Research, 1-21.
- Meier, F., 2024. Using Wikipedia Pageview Data to Investigate Public Interest in Climate Change at a Global Scale, In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference. pp. 365–375. Association for Computing Machinery, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Moore, M.J., Hyman, A.A., 2024. What can conservation culturomics tell us about factors driving public interest in aquatic endangered species. Biological Conservation 289, 110397.
- Nanni, V., Mercugliano, E., Soler, S., Biasetti, P., Mammola, S., Guadagnini, R., Manenti, R., De Mori, B., 2024. A gap in media communication of human-bear conflicts management. Biological Conservation 294, 110626.
- Sherren, K., Chen, Y., Mohammadi, M., Zhao, Q., Gone, K.P., Rahman, H.T., Smit, M., Social media and social impact assessment: Evolving methods in a shifting context. Current Sociology 0, 00113921231203179.
- Soriano-Redondo, A., Alwasiti, H., Kulkarni, R., Correia, R.A., Bryukhova, S., Lita, N.M., Rigor, L.A., Tejerero, D.R., Tenazas, T.M., Di Minin, E., 2024. Online wildlife trade in species of conservation concern. Conservation Letters, e12985.
- Souza, C.N., Martínez-Arribas, J., Correia, R.A., Almeida, J.A.G.R., Ladle, R., Vaz, A.S., Malhado, A.C., 2024. Using social media and machine learning to understand sentiments towards Brazilian National Parks. Biological Conservation 293, 110557.
- Yaman, B., Van Huynh, A., 2024. Public attention towards declining global amphibian species. Biological Conservation 290, 110472.
- Yan, Z., et al. 2024. Social media unveils the hidden but high magnitude of human-mediated biological invasions in China. Current Biology 34, R47-R49.
- Albuquerque, U.P., Cantalice, A.S., Oliveira, E.S., de Moura, J.M.B., dos Santos, R.K.S., da Silva, R.H., Brito-Júnior, V.M., Ferreira-Júnior, W.S., 2023. Exploring Large Digital Bodies for the Study of Human Behavior. Evolutionary Psychological Science.
- Acerbi, A., Burns, J., Cabuk, U., Kryczka, J., Trapp, B., Valletta, J.J., Mesoudi, A., 2023. Sentiment analysis of the Twitter response to Netflix's Our Planet documentary. Conservation Biology.
- Blake, K., Anderson, S., Gleave, A., Veríssimo, D., 2023. Impact on species' online attention when named after celebrities. Conservation Biology.
- Caetano, G.H.O., Vardi, R., Jarić, I., Correia, R.A., Roll, U., Veríssimo, D., 2023. Evaluating global interest in biodiversity and conservation. Conservation Biology.
- Camargo, L.d.S., Rocha, H., do Nascimento, L.S., Hara, C., 2023. Coleta de Dados do Instagram sobre Ocorrências de Caravelas-Portuguesas na Costa Brasileira, In Anais da XVIII Escola Regional de Banco de Dados. pp. 51-59. SBC.
- Chowdhury, S., Fuller, R.A., Ahmed, S., Alam, S., Callaghan, C.T., Das, P., Correia, R.A., Marco, M.D., Minin, E.D., Jarić, I., Labi, M.M., Ladle, R.J., Rokonuzzaman, M., Roll, U., Sbragaglia, V., Siddika, A., Bonn, A. 2023. Using social media records to inform conservation planning. Conservation Biology.
- Correia, R.A., Di Minin, E., 2023. Tracking worldwide interest in sustainable development goals using culturomics. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 2, e0000070.
- Correia, R.A., Mammola, S., 2023. The searchscape of fear: A global analysis of internet search trends for biophobias. People and Nature.
- Evans, L.C., Greenwell, M.P., Boult, V.L., Johnson, T.F., 2023. Characterizing the trophy hunting debate on Twitter. Conservation Biology 37, e14070.
- Felgentreff, E.S., Buchholz, S., Straka, T.M., 2023. From science to society to practice? Public reactions to the insect crisis in Germany. People and Nature.
- Fricke, R.M., Olden, J.D., 2023. Technological innovations enhance invasive species management in the anthropocene. Bioscience 73, 261-279.
- Gao, Y., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., Biggs, D., Zhao, W., Clark, S.G., 2023. Tracking Chinese newspaper coverage of elephant ivory through topic modeling. Conservation Biology 37, e14072.
- Ghermandi, A., Langemeyer, J., Van Berkel, D., Calcagni, F., Depietri, Y., Egarter Vigl, L., Fox, N., Havinga, I., Jäger, H., Kaiser, N., Karasov, O., McPhearson, T., Podschun, S., Ruiz-Frau, A., Sinclair, M., Venohr, M., Wood, S.A., 2023. Social media data for environmental sustainability: A critical review of opportunities, threats, and ethical use. One Earth 6, 236-250.
- Gippet, J.M.W., Sherpa, Z., Bertelsmeier, C., 2023. Reliability of social media data in monitoring the global pet trade in ants. Conservation Biology, e13994.
- Goldspiel, H., Barr, B., Badding, J., Kuehn, D., 2023. Snapshots of Nature-Based Recreation Across Rural Landscapes: Insights from Geotagged Photographs in the Northeastern United States. Environmental Management 71, 234-248.
- Gone, K.P., Chen, Y., Smit, M., 2023. Natural Language Processing to Understand Human Activities Impacted by Hydroelectric Energy Projects, In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData). pp. 3770-3778.
- Havinga, I., Marcos, D., Bogaart, P., Massimino, D., Hein, L., Tuia, D., 2023. Social media and deep learning reveal specific cultural preferences for biodiversity. People and Nature.
- Huertas Herrera, A., Toro-Manríquez, M.D.R., Soler Esteban, R., Lorenzo, C., Lencinas, M.V., Martínez Pastur, G., 2023. Social media reveal visitors’ interest in flora and fauna species of a forest region. Ecosystems and People 19, 2155248.
- Hunter, S.B., Mathews, F., Weeds, J., 2023. Using hierarchical text classification to investigate the utility of machine learning in automating online analyses of wildlife exploitation. Ecological Informatics 75, 102076.
- Ishida, S., Matsui, T., Haga, C., Hori, K., Hashimoto, S., Saito, O., 2023. Twitter Mining for Detecting Interest Trends on Biodiversity: Messages from Seven Language Communities. Sustainability 15, 12893.
- Jarić, I., Correia, R.A., Bonaiuto, M., Brook, B.W., Courchamp, F., Firth, J.A., Gaston, K.J., Heger, T., Jeschke, J.M., Ladle, R.J., Meinard, Y., Roberts, D.L., Sherren, K., Soga, M., Soriano-Redondo, A., Veríssimo, D., Roll, U., 2023. Transience of public attention in conservation science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
- Jarić, I., Normande, I.C., Arbieu, U., Courchamp, F., Crowley, S.L., Jeschke, J.M., Roll, U., Sherren, K., Thomas-Walters, L., Veríssimo, D., Ladle, R.J., Flagship individuals in biodiversity conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
- Johnson, T.F., Cornford, R., Dove, S., Freeman, R., Millard, J., 2023. Achieving a real-time online monitoring system for conservation culturomics. Conservation Biology.
- Kaatz, M., Kaatz, M., Meinzenbach, A., Springer, S., Zieger, M., 2023. From “arrow storks” to search engine data: Google Trends reveals seasonality in search interest for migratory white storks (Ciconia ciconia) in Germany. Zoologischer Anzeiger 307, 83-88.
- Kacprzyk, J., Clune, S., Clark, C., Kane, A., 2023. Making a greener planet: nature documentaries promote plant awareness. Annals of Botany 131, 255-260.
- Koblet, O., Purves, R.S., 2020. From online texts to Landscape Character Assessment: Collecting and analysing first-person landscape perception computationally. Landscape and Urban Planning 197, 103757.
- Kubo, T., Yokoo, H.-F., Veríssimo, D., 2023. Conservation fundraising: Evidence from social media and traditional mail field experiments. Conservation Letters, e12931.
- Ladle, R.J., Alves-Martins, F., Malhado, A.C.M., Reyes-García, V., Courchamp, F., Minin, E.D., Roll, U., Jaric, I., Correia, R.A., 2023. Biocultural aspects of species extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction, 1-21.
- Lilkendey, J., 2023. Conserve the open media ecosystem! Legal and ethical considerations when using online repositories for AI training in ecological research. Ecology Letters 26, 2023-2028.
- Loch, A., Scholz, G., Auricht, C., Sexton, S., O’Connor, P., Imgraben, S., 2023. Valuing Protected Area Tourism Ecosystem Services Using Big Data. Environmental Management 71, 260-273.
- Magalhães, A.L.B., de Azevedo, C.S., Maceda-Veiga, A., Patoka, J., 2023. The scientist eyes: monitoring YouTube™ to quantify aquatic pet release in Brazil. Aquatic Ecology.
- Mammola, S. et al. 2023. How much biodiversity is concealed in the word 'biodiversity'? Current Biology 33, R59-R60.
- Mammola, S., Adamo, M., Antić, D., Calevo, J., Cancellario, T., Cardoso, P., Chamberlain, D., Chialva, M., Durucan, F., Fontaneto, D., Gonçalves, D.V., Martínez, A., Santini, L., Rubio-López, I., Sousa, R., Villegas-Ríos, D., Verdes, A., Correia, R.A., 2023. Drivers of species knowledge across the Tree of Life. eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd.
- Mammola, S., Falaschi, M., Ficetola, G.F., 2023. Biodiversity communication in the digital era through the Emoji tree of life. iScience 26, 108569.
- Morini, R.F.d.S., Ribeiro, R.C., Trentini, I.P., Sandoval, E.D.P., Silva, A.R.d., Oliveira, M.L.d., 2023. Do media reports reflect the real threats to wildlife? Biological Conservation 277, 109853.
- O'Neill, D., Häkkinen, H., Neumann, J., Shaffrey, L., Cheffings, C., Norris, K., Pettorelli, N., 2023. Investigating the potential of social media and citizen science data to track changes in species' distributions. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10063.
- Papafitsoros, K., Adam, L., Schofield, G., 2023. A social media-based framework for quantifying temporal changes to wildlife viewing intensity. Ecological Modelling 476, 110223.
- Ribeiro, Y.G.G., Bastos, R.M., Silva, B.O., Marchini, S., Morais, R.B., Catapani, M.L., Corrêa, P.L.P., da Rocha, R.L.A., da Silva, A.M., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., 2023. Social media data from two iconic Neotropical big cats: can this translate to action? Frontiers in Conservation Science 4.
- Rinne, J., Kulkarni, R., Soriano-Redondo, A., Correia, R., Di Minin, E., 2023. Using automated content analysis to monitor global online trade in endemic reptile species. Diversity and Distributions.
- Salerno, F., 2023. The Greta Thunberg Effect on Climate Equity: A Worldwide Google Trend Analysis. Sustainability 15, 6233.
- Shchekotin, E., 2023. Analysis of environmental problems based on social media data (on the example of atmospheric air quality). E3S Web of Conf. 458, 08010.
- Soriano-Redondo, A., Correia, R.A., Di Minin, E., 2023. Social media data can inform the Global Biodiversity Framework. Biological Conservation 281, 109993.
- Souza, C.N., Almeida, J.A.G.R., Correia, R.A., Ladle, R.J., Carvalho, A.R., Malhado, A.C.M., 2023. Assessing Brazilian protected areas through social media: Insights from 10 years of public interest and engagement. PLoS ONE 18, e0293581.
- Takaya, K., Tomojiri, D., 2023. Proxy variables of the closeness between humans and wildlife associated with public interest in bird species in Japan. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69, 120.
- Tateosian, L.G., Saffer, A., Walden-Schreiner, C., Shukunobe, M., 2023. Plant pest invasions, as seen through news and social media. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 100, 101922.
- Turnbull, J., Searle, A., Hartman Davies, O., Dodsworth, J., Chasseray-Peraldi, P., von Essen, E., Anderson-Elliott, H., 2023. Digital ecologies: Materialities, encounters, governance. Progress in Environmental Geography, 27539687221145698.
- Van Huynh, A., 2023. Effect of IUCN Red List category on public attention to mammals. Conservation Biology, e14050.
- Van Huynh, A., 2023. Use of Google Trends categories in conservation culturomics. Conservation Biology, e14103.
- Veríssimo, D., Johnson, T.F., Millard, J.W., Roll, U. 2023. Adopt digital tools to monitor social dimensions of the global biodiversity framework. Conservation Letters 17, e12991.
- Woodworth, E., Tian, A., Blair, K., Pullen, J., Lefcheck, J.S., Parker, J.D., 2023. Media myopia distorts public interest in US invasive plants. Biological Invasions.
- Zhao, Q., Chen, Y., Gone, K.P., Wells, E., Margeson, K., Sherren, K., 2023. Modelling cultural ecosystem services in agricultural dykelands and tidal wetlands to inform coastal infrastructure decisions: A social media data approach. Marine Policy 150, 105533.
- Adamo, M., Sousa, R., Wipf, S., Correia, R.A., Lumia, A., Mucciarelli, M., Mammola, S., 2022. Dimension and impact of biases in funding for species and habitat conservation. Biological Conservation 272, 109636.
- Alieva, D., Holgado, D., de Juan, S., Ruiz-Frau, A., Villasante, S., Maya-Jariego, I., 2022. Assessing landscape features and ecosystem services of marine protected areas through photographs on social media: comparison of two archipelagos in Spain. Environment, Development and Sustainability 24, 9623-9641.
- Akasaka, M., Kubo, T., Soga, M., 2022. How well does online information-seeking behavior indicate public conservation orientation? Taxonomy and personal characteristics matter. Journal for Nature Conservation, 126123.
- Azevedo, A.K., Vieira, F.A., Guedes-Santos, J., Gaia, J.A., Pinheiro, B.R., Bragagnolo, C., Correia, R.A., Ladle, R.J., Malhado, A., 2022. A big data approach to identify the loss of coastal cultural ecosystem services caused by the 2019 Brazilian oil spill disaster. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 94.
- Barros, C., Gutiérrez, J., García-Palomares, J., 2022. Geotagged data from social media in visitor monitoring of protected areas; a scoping review. Current Issues in Tourism 25, 1399-1415.
- Bayón, Á., Godoy, O., Vilà, M., 2022. Invasion risks and social interest of non-native woody plants in urban parks of mainland Spain. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 79, e121.
- Bergman, J.N., Buxton, R.T., Lin, H.-Y., Lenda, M., Attinello, K., Hajdasz, A.C., Rivest, S.A., Nguyen, T.T., Cooke, S.J., Bennett, J.R., Clements, J.C., 2022. Evaluating the benefits and risks of social media for wildlife conservation. FACETS 7, 360-397.
- Bhatt, P., Pickering, C.M., 2022. Destination image of Chitwan National Park, Nepal: Insights from a content analysis of online photographs. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 37, 100488.
- Borowiec, M.L., Dikow, R.B., Frandsen, P.B., McKeeken, A., Valentini, G., White, A.E., 2022. Deep learning as a tool for ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 1640-1660.
- Burke, R., Sherwood, O.L., Clune, S., Carroll, R., McCabe, P.F., Kane, A., Kacprzyk, J., 2022. Botanical boom: A new opportunity to promote the public appreciation of botany. Plants, People, Planet.
- Cao, H., Wang, M., Su, S., Kang, M., 2022. Explicit quantification of coastal cultural ecosystem services: A novel approach based on the content and sentimental analysis of social media. Ecological Indicators 137, 108756.
- Cardoso, A.S., Renna, F., Moreno-Llorca, R., Alcaraz-Segura, D., Tabik, S., Ladle, R.J., Vaz, A.S., 2022. Classifying the content of social media images to support cultural ecosystem service assessments using deep learning models. Ecosystem Services 54, 101410.
- Cerri, J., Carnevali, L., Monaco, A., Genovesi, P., Bertolino, S., 2022. Blacklists do not necessarily make people curious about invasive alien species. A case study with Bayesian structural time series and Wikipedia searches about invasive mammals in Italy. NeoBiota 71.
- Chang, C.H., Armsworth, P.R., Masuda, Y.J., 2022. Environmental Discourse Exhibits Consistency and Variation across Spatial Scales on Twitter. Bioscience.
- Chang, C.H., Armsworth, P.R., Masuda, Y.J., 2022. Twitter data reveal six distinct environmental personas. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
- Chang, P., Olafsson, A.S., 2022. The scale effects of landscape variables on landscape experiences: a multi-scale spatial analysis of social media data in an urban nature park context. Landscape Ecology 37, 1271-1291.
- Chen, J.Y., Becken, S., Stantic, B., 2022. Harnessing social media to understand tourist mobility: the role of information technology and big data. Tourism Review 77, 1219-1233.
- Child, K.R., Darimont, C.T., 2015. Hunting for Trophies: Online Hunting Photographs Reveal Achievement Satisfaction with Large and Dangerous Prey. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20, 531-541.
- Egri, G., Han, X., Ma, Z., Surapaneni, P., Chakraborty, S., 2022. Detecting Hotspots of Human-Wildlife Conflicts in India using News Articles and Aerial Images, In ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). pp. 375-385.
- Elinson, R., Levin, N., 2022. An analysis of Amud Anan - A unique volunteered geographic information platform for nature-based recreation in Israel. Applied Geography 148, 102791.
- Falk, M.T., Hagsten, E., 2022. Digital indicators of interest in natural world heritage sites. Journal of Environmental Management 324, 116250.
- Farrell, M.J., Brierley, L., Willoughby, A., Yates, A., Mideo, N., 2022. Past and future uses of text mining in ecology and evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289, 20212721.
- Fox, N., Graham, L.J., Eigenbrod, F., Bullock, J.M., Parks, K.E., 2022. Geodiversity Supports Cultural Ecosystem Services: an Assessment Using Social Media. Geoheritage 14, 27.
- Ghermandi, A., 2022. Geolocated social media data counts as a proxy for recreational visits in natural areas: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management 317, 115325.
- Ghermandi, A., Depietri, Y., Sinclair, M., 2022. In the AI of the beholder: A comparative analysis of computer vision-assisted characterizations of human-nature interactions in urban green spaces. Landscape and Urban Planning 217, 104261.
- Grant, M.I., Bicknell, A.W.J., Htut, T., Maung, A., Maung, T., Myo Myo, K., Rein, T., San, M.K., White, W.T., Ya, K.Z., Mizrahi, M., 2022. Market surveys and social media provide confirmation of the endangered giant freshwater whipray Urogymnus polylepis in Myanmar. Journal of Fish Biology 101, 302-307.
- Hartmann, M.C., Koblet, O., Baer, M.F., Purves, R.S., 2022. Automated motif identification: Analysing Flickr images to identify popular viewpoints in Europe’s protected areas. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 37, 100479.
- Hartmann, M.C., Schott, M., Dsouza, A., Metz, Y., Volpi, M., Purves, R.S., 2022. A text and image analysis workflow using citizen science data to extract relevant social media records: Combining red kite observations from Flickr, eBird and iNaturalist. Ecological Informatics 71, 101782.
- Hartmann, M.C., Koblet, O., Baer, M.F., Purves, R.S., 2022. Automated motif identification: Analysing Flickr images to identify popular viewpoints in Europe’s protected areas. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 37, 100479.
- Harywanto, G.N., Veron, J.S., Suhartono, D., 2022. A BERTweet-based design for monitoring behaviour change based on five doors theory on coral bleaching campaign. Journal of Big Data 9, 73.
- Havinga, I., Marcos, D., Bogaart, P.W., Hein, L., Tuia, D., 2021. Social media and deep learning capture the aesthetic quality of the landscape. Scientific Reports 11, 20000.
- Heikinheimo, V., Järv, O., Tenkanen, H., Hiippala, T., Toivonen, T., 2022. Detecting country of residence from social media data: a comparison of methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-22.
- Hernandez, L., Álvarez-Martínez, J.M., Gómez Almaraz, C., Sánchez de Dios, R., Jímenez Alfaro, B., Álvarez-Taboada, F., 2022. Seguimiento de la biodiversidad en la era del Big Data. Ecosistemas 31, 2450.
- Hickman, C.R., Unger, S.D., 2022. Societal attitudes towards hellbender salamander conservation The roles of traditional and social media, In Communicating endangered species: Extinction, News and Public Policy. eds E. Freedman, S.S. Hiles, D.B. Sachsman, pp. 166-183.
- Holmes, B., Strzelecki, A., Springer, S., Zieger, M., 2022. Google Trends data reveal a sharp trend: teeth and claws attract more interest than feathers, hooves or fins. Environmental Conservation, 1-9.
- Hooykaas, M.J.D., Aalders, A.K., Schilthuizen, M., Smeets, I., 2022. Animals in Fashion: Portrayal of Animal Biodiversity on Children’s Clothing. Society & Animals, 1-26.
- Howard, L., van Rees, C.B., Dahlquist, Z., Luikart, G., Hand, B.K., 2022. A review of invasive species reporting apps for citizen science and opportunities for innovation. NeoBiota 71.
- Huai, S., Van de Voorde, T., 2022. Which environmental features contribute to positive and negative perceptions of urban parks? A cross-cultural comparison using online reviews and Natural Language Processing methods. Landscape and Urban Planning 218, 104307.
- Jarić, I., Roll, U., Bonaiuto, M., Brook, B.W., Courchamp, F., Firth, J.A., Gaston, K.J., Heger, T., Jeschke, J.M., Ladle, R.J., Meinard, Y., Roberts, D.L., Sherren, K., Soga, M., Soriano-Redondo, A., Veríssimo, D., Correia, R.A., 2022. Societal extinction of species. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
- Jensen, P.M., Danielsen, F., Skarphedinsson, S., 2022. Monitoring Temporal Trends in Internet Searches for "Ticks" across Europe by Google Trends: Tick-Human Interaction or General Interest? Insects 13, 176.
- Karasov, O., Heremans, S., Külvik, M., Domnich, A., Burdun, I., Kull, A., Helm, A., Uuemaa, E., 2022. Beyond land cover: How integrated remote sensing and social media data analysis facilitates assessment of cultural ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 53, 101391.
- Kikuchi, Y., Nishimura, I., Sasaki, T., 2022. Wild birds in YouTube videos: Presence of specific species contributes to increased views. Ecological Informatics 71, 101767.
- Kong, I., Sarmiento, F.O., 2022. Utilizing a crowdsourced phrasal lexicon to identify cultural ecosystem services in El Cajas National Park, Ecuador. Ecosystem Services 56, 101441.
- Kotera, M.M., Phillott, A.D., 2022. Conservation Culturomics: Potential Applications in South Asia. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology 19, 54-61.
- Lee, H., Seo, B., Cord, A.F., Volk, M., Lautenbach, S., 2022. Using crowdsourced images to study selected cultural ecosystem services and their relationships with species richness and carbon sequestration. Ecosystem Services 54, 101411.
- Lennox, R.J., Sbragaglia, V., Vollset, K.W., Sortland, L.K., McClenachan, L., Jarić, I., Guckian, M.L., Ferter, K., Danylchuk, A.J., Cooke, S.J., Arlinghaus, R., Twardek, W.M., 2022. Digital fisheries data in the Internet age: Emerging tools for research and monitoring using online data in recreational fisheries. Fish and Fisheries.
- Li, Y., Xie, L., Zhang, L., Huang, L., Lin, Y., Su, Y., AmirReza, S., He, S., Zhu, C., Li, S., Gan, M., Huang, L., Wang, K., Zhang, J., Chen, X., 2022. Understanding different cultural ecosystem services: An exploration of rural landscape preferences based on geographic and social media data. Journal of Environmental Management 317, 115487.
- Liconti, A., Pittman, S.J., Rees, S.E., Mieszkowska, N., 2022. Identifying conservation priorities for gorgonian forests in Italian coastal waters with multiple methods including citizen science and social media content analysis. Diversity and Distributions 28, 1430-1444.
- Llanos-Paez, O., Acuña, V., 2022. Analysis of the socio-ecological drivers of the recreational use of temporary streams and rivers. Science of the Total Environment 807, 150805.
- Mammola, S., et al. 2022. An expert-curated global database of online newspaper articles on spiders and spider bites. Scientific Data 9, 109.
- Mammola, S., et al. 2022. The global spread of misinformation on spiders. Current Biology 32, R871-R873.
- Mangachena, J.R., Chauvenet, A.L.M., Pickering, C.M., 2022. Destination Images of Africa Reflected in Social Media Photographs. Society & Natural Resources, 1-19.
- Manley, K., Egoh, B.N., 2022. Mapping and modeling the impact of climate change on recreational ecosystem services using machine learning and big data. Environmental Research Letters 17, 054025.
- Marine, N., Arnaiz-Schmitz, C., Santos-Cid, L., Schmitz, M.F., 2022. Can We Foresee Landscape Interest? Maximum Entropy Applied to Social Media Photographs: A Case Study in Madrid. Land 11, 715.
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