Scope and trends in conservation culturomics research
An initial review of conservation culturomics research has been carried out recently (Corriea et al. 2021) and the summations in the page are based on the analyses carried out for that publication that analyzed 116 scientific publications dedicated to this field.
This analysis shows that this area of study is still in its early stages, but publications have increased rapidly.
This analysis shows that this area of study is still in its early stages, but publications have increased rapidly.
These conservation culturomic publications cover a remarkable range of subjects including: assessing public interest in species and support for their conservation, understanding human uses of natural areas and the values derived from such interactions, and evaluating the prominence and dynamics of conservation-related topics in political discourse
Conservation culturomics research has been carried out from site-based to global spatial extents, taking advantage of the increasingly global reach of the internet.
Many organisms from diverse groups have been examined including plants, fungi, invertebrates, and aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates
For conservation culturomics studies researchers have used data from different corpora and diverse sources, such as social media platforms, digital encyclopedias,internet web pages, and search engines, and even sports-tracking applications.
This papers have been published in many different journals, predominantly from the biodiversity conservation field.